Academic Support
(401)233-1930 x. 2720
(401) 233-1930 x. 2748
Rebecca Delgallo - The Learning Center
(401) 233-1930 x. 2721
Ashley Cournoyer-Houle - MTSS
(401) 233-1930 x. 2731
Academic Support Team
The Academic Support teachers service students with an Individual Educational Plan (IEP) who require a small group setting or an inclusion class. Small group classes remediate skills that students need in order to achieve the Common Core State Standards. In an inclusion class, the student attends a regular education class where a regular education teacher and a special education teacher co-teach. The special educator along with the regular educator provides accommodations and modification to assist the student in being successful in the grade level curriculum. This team of six teachers provide a specialized education that is designed to give students a more hands-on approach to learning. Each student's program is geared toward his/her expected rate of progress and instructional level.
Our program hopes to help our students develop to their full potential and to discover their strengths.
The Community Explorers
During school, emphasis is on functional reading, writing, math and social communication skills. Students have varied abilities; therefore, instruction modified to meet individual needs.
Students use concrete manipulatives and hand on approach to learn and practice skills. Students enjoy role playing which helps with problem solving skills. Students practice functional sills during school, i.e. purchasing lunch, making choices, greeting teachers and friends, cooking, etc. We also try to plan many field trips to students can practice skills out in the community setting.