Nursing Department » School Nurse

School Nurse

Robin Orticerio, School Nurse
(401) 233-1930 x.2718


Health Reminders from the Nurse

7th Grade Students:

ALL students entering grade 7 must submit a copy of a recent physical exam performed by their health care provider. In addition, all 7th graders are required to receive a dose of Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis), a dose of meningococcal vaccine, and a 1st dose of HPV vaccine. Students who have not received these vaccines by January 1st of their 7th grade year will be excluded from school. Please contact the school nurse if you have any questions about these requirements.

8th Grade Students

All 8th grade students are required to receive a 2nd dose of HPV vaccine. It is suggested that this dose be given 6 months following the first dose.

Medications in School:

Just a reminder that a doctor's order is required for ALL medication to be taken in school, including inhalers that are self-carried by students. Please notify the nurse of any medication your child requires in school and she will assist you with the appropriate consent forms. You may download a medication consent form by clicking on the Medication Consent Form link above. Please see the Medication Administration policy below.

Health Examinations

  1. A health examination is required of all students upon school entry and upon entering grade 7. Please have your family health care provider complete the health exam form and return it to the school nurse-teacher. The examination must be current (within the calendar year) to be valid.
  2. A health examination is required for any student who participates in a school sports program. The examination must be current (within the calendar year) to be valid.

Health Screenings

  1. Rhode Island Law requires the school department to provide annual screenings for vision in grade 7 and scoliosis in grades 6, 7, and 8.
  2. It is our goal to conduct these screenings as early in the school year as possible in order to identify potential problems. Screening begins in the fall and will continue throughout the year until all screenings are complete.
  3. To avoid duplication of services, if your child has any of these screenings completed by his/her primary health care provider, please have the health care provider forward the results to the school. If we do not have this information for your child, we will include your child for the particular screening according to Rhode Island Law. School nurse-teachers and school medical personnel conduct these screenings.


Guidelines for Judging Illness at Home

Students with the following symtoms should not be sent to school:
-Temperature greater than 100.4 degrees within the past 24 hours.
-Vomiting or diarrhea within the past 24 hours.
-Pain or any other condition severe enough to interfere iwth the ability to focus.
-Infectious condition (i.e., strep throat, pink eye) that has not been treated for at least 24 hours.
-Unidentified, untreated rash (medical clearance required)
-Illness with excessive/continuous new cough

Emergency cards will be sent home to parents during the first two weeks of the school year. Please fill them out and return to school with enough information to allow us to contact a responsible person (parent/guardian, relative or friend) when your child is ill or there is an emergency at school.


It is expected that parents will notify the school personnel of any life-threatening health problem that a student may have. School personnel should be made aware by parents of a child that has specific allergies and food reactions. Students with these specific allergies (i.e. Bee stings, nuts, and latex) should have their medication available at school.

Medication Administration

Except for emergency medication, only school nurse-teachers may administer medication in school. Medication will be administered in compliance with the Johnston Public Schools Health Services Policy and Procedure for Medication Administration. Before medication may be given to a student in school, the following criteria must be met:

  1. Parent/guardian must sign a medication consent form. The licensed health care provider must complete the Medication Consent Form or submit a written request with the same information.
  2. Both prescription and non-prescription medication to be given in school must be ordered by the child's health care provider. This includes any order for headache or pain relievers such as but not limited to Tylenol, Advil, Aleve or their generic equivalents.
  3. Medication must be in the original labeled container. Prescription labels must include the patient's name, prescription number; name of medication, dosage, doctor's name and date.
  4. Except for emergency medication, medication shall be stored in a locked area.
  5. Standing orders for medication to be dispensed by the school nurse-teacher may be written at the discretion of the school physician.